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Secure Dashboard

Microgen provide a secure dashboard by default. With this way, access control management can be fullfilled to monitoring all authorized users. Introducing REGOL.


REGOL is a modern Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) that provide a secure and flexible access policy that will protect the entire network.

Requirements and Limitations:

  • A Desktop with Windows Operating System
  • Android Mobile Phone with NFC
  • An Electronic Smart Card, for ex: e-KTP, any KUE (Kartu Uang Elektronik)

Note for Windows Users if having trouble for getting start the guidance:

  • Make sure your computer has the latest supported Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Version
  • By the time this guide is written, the latest version is 14.40.33810.0

REGOL Desktop Client Installation


  • Access Regol Landing Page from your Desktop browser
  • Click REGOL for Windows to download the installer
  • Double click downloaded installer file to start the installment process

REGOL Mobile Client Installation


  • Access Regol Landing Page from your Mobile Browser
  • Click REGOL for Android to download the apk
  • Start the apk file to start the installment process

REGOL Registration


  • Make sure the Mobile NFC already turned on
  • Open the Mobile REGOL application and a Welcome Screen will be displayed
  • Fill all the form inputs, start from NIK / NIP input
    • NIK / NIP: A desired REGOL username, can be your ID Card Number or an unique username, etc
    • Name: Your full name
    • Email: Your email
  • After the form inputs completion already done, click the Register button and a popup dialog will be showed
  • While the popup dialog is still showing, tap your Electronic Smart Card to the your phone NFC reader to start the reading and account registration process
  • You will be redirect to the Main Screen
  • In this step, please tell Administrator about your REGOL account complete the registration.

REGOL Authentication


  • Make sure your Computer has internet access
  • Run the REGOL Desktop Application and a Welcome Screen with QR Image will be displayed
  • Open the Mobile REGOL application
  • You can see five main menus below
  • Press the second menu and press the Login with QR button
  • You will be redirected to a new screen for scanning a QR Image that displayed in the REGOL Desktop Application
  • Scan the QR Image, and your REGOL Desktop Application is now authenticated

REGOL Connection Initialization


  • If the REGOL Desktop Application is successfully authenticated, it will show a similar screen like in the mobile version
  • In the first menu, Connection, start a secure connection by click the Start button and wait until it showed a Connected status with running timer
  • Now your connection is secured and accessing the Dashboard is possible

Dashboard Login

For accessing the Microgen Secure Dashboard, obviously a secure connection is needed. That's why REGOL is here to support.


  • Access Microgen from your Desktop browser
  • For the first time, you will be redirected to Login Page with a QR Image displayed
  • Open the Mobile REGOL application again
  • Press the second menu and press the Login with QR button
  • Scan the QR Image
  • You are now authenticated to the dashboard